5 stars Recommended
I am so excited with the way the Lasik turned out. It was simple and quick and painless. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not wearing contacts anymore. This is Awesome!

5 stars Recommended

5 stars Recommended
Had Lasik 3 months ago and so very happy! I am 51 and have worn glasses since I was 9. I opted not to have the mono vision and so I do wear reading glasses now, but it is wonderful to be able to do things like just wake up in the morning and be able to see without reaching for glasses... or to drive or bike ride or swim without my glasses, etc., etc. I wish I would have done this years ago! Vision is 20/15. Thank you Dr. Phinney & staff! I recommend for anyone considering lasik to call Eye Surgeons Associates! :-)

5 stars Recommended

5 stars 5