Spine Team Texas
7542 reviews
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    DaleGribble82 Via Google Business Profile - Rockwall
    My doctor was awesome but the whole process is ridiculous. I came to this place specifically for three sets of imaging. I was given every excuse in the book why that couldnt be accomplished until after another month of waiting. All I needed was the imaging, complete waste of time and money. I cant in good faith recommend this place to anyone.
    Virginia Carpenter Via Healthgrades - Dr. Mark Bauernfeind
    Visit went fine. Rehab - fine. Dealing with the 'billing office' has been a nightmare. My insurance paid their part. My HRA paid the remainder. Account should have zero balance. I received a bill for $272.41. (after waiting for my HRA statement to reach me-I knew STT had been paid). After multiple calls including a conference call with my insurance, I was told I owed nothing. BUT I was asked to pre-pay for services at a majority of my visits. Therefore, I am owed those payments. When I mentioned I expected a refund and how long would that take, I was told the account balance is zero, no refunds wou8ld be made. After many calls I have been told they agree that I am owed $75.00 and if I can prove the remainder was paid -- provide them proof, let them know. My proof is contained in their statements to me. I WILL NOT GO BACK TO SPINE TEAM TEXAS and I WOULD NOT REFER ANYONE TO THEM.
    Healthgrades User Via Healthgrades - Dr. Anthony Berg
    After MRI review he did not immediately talk of surgery - we discussed alternative options that l appreciated!
    Jennifer B. Via Yelp - Rockwall
    Update December 2023: I've been coming to Spine Team since 2016. Twice a year I go under general anesthesia for Radio Frequency Ablation on the right and left side of my neck. These procedures cost me and my insurance company approximately 20k per year. It is usually money well spent as it keeps me off any and all pain medication until the nerve grows back each year. Dr. McPherson has been my primary physician and has always taken great care of me. I trust him 100% and would refer him to anyone I know. HOWEVER, this clinic has turned into a cattle call. To begin, it took 5 calls (4 unreturned messages to scheduling (3 of them to Juanita) to get an appointment. Second, according to the nurse, Dr. McPherson saw 17 surgery patients yesterday and will see about 20 on Wednesday. Regardless of this, Preop is excellent and the surgery is excellent but after they are done with you and take thousands of your dollars, you better be ready to leave as you will be literally pushed out of their facility within "20-30 minutes". After my procedure yesterday, the nurse woke me up and I was immediately in tears from excruciating pain. I crawled up in a ball, on the surgery bed, and told the nurse how I was feeling. I was crying loudly as many of the staff (sitting behind the desk) had no choice but to hear. They watched as I began having a panic attack and was asked to put on my clothes and get in the wheelchair because my ride was there to pick me up. I told them I wasn't ready to leave and needed their help. The discharge nurse told me to get dressed and reminded me to get in the wheelchair. I was in so much pain that I couldn't put on my bra or shoes, which I let her know. I was then told that they couldn't give me any more pains meds and it was time to leave so I was wheeled out braless and in surgery socks. My daughter drove me about 5 minutes down the road and, as much as I didn't want to go back to the facility, I was desperate so we did. My daughter went inside the building and had a nurse come to the car to talk to me. Apparently that nurse knew what was going on because she came out and told me they couldn't do anything for me and if I was in pain and I needed to go to the ER. I went to the pharmacy instead and got some sleeping pills because sitting in an ER lobby was definitely not going to do me any good. I called Spine Team on the ride home and asked what pain medication they gave me this time vs the last few times I had this procedure. I was not surprised to know that they did not give me the same meds and the meds they gave me this time didn't work. I was told that every nurse anesthetist does things different (yesterday I had Marie) and this one prefers different meds. This is obviously a cookie cutter approach that isn't patient specific and her choice of meds did not work for me and when I explained this to them they weren't willing to help. I asked her to watch the video of my exit as I was rushed out of the surgery center right after I woke up. I was hysterical and could barely stand. She told me that an average stay after surgery is 20 to 30 minutes. It is a shame that this "Pain Management" clinic has forgotten the medical promise of "Do no harm" and has now turned in to a poorly run facility without care for another human being. I'm taking my yearly 20k to another facility. I only wish I could take Dr. McPherson, Taylor, Jeanie & Rob (and other members of the preop, surgery & billing team) with me they deserve to be represented better because they care. Update: 2018 I went back to Dr. McPherson for a new problem and once again, he exceeded my expectations. Love this doc!! 2016: I considered cancelling my appointment with this office after reading these reviews but I am so glad I didn't. My experience was exceptional from scheduling to imaging to the visit with the doctor. This place is run very well. Dr. McPherson spent a good of time going over my history, giving me an exam and discussing the treatment options. He explained everything in day to day terms (vs medical terms.) 5 stars!!!
    Google Business Profile
    Jennifer Garcia Via Google Business Profile - Rockwall
    I have been debating writing this review but I believe it is needed!! I saw spine team of Texas for over 2 years. They confirmed I book a part of my spine, did NOTHING for 6 months, and then finally had me see a surgeon. The surgeon decided to place a screw to force the break to repair. After the surgery, my pain got worse and I began to have new symptoms. I was basically told I was crazy, that I should not have any pain as my scans were fine. I was called a druggie because I needed the pain meds still since they made me worse, not better. I finally left and got a second opinion. The new provider had me do physical therapy again (I tried with spine team but they were AWFUL) which helped the pain some but decided the screw needed to be removed. Spine team wanted to do a spine infusion, the new doctor said that was crazy. We removed the screw and I am back to my OLD SELF FINALLY. I am off the medication and able to have my life back!! This place is an awful clinic. Everyone is rude and the providers over book themselves so they rush the appointments and DONT LISTEN. If I had stayed, I would still be in pain today! DONT GO HERE
    +1(817) 442-9300