Spine Team Texas
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    Sean C (Sean C) Via Google Business Profile - Rockwall
    This place is an absolute joke! Referred by my primary care provider for multiple issues running from my neck down to my feet.Took quite awhile to finally get my records over to them, but it finally happened and I got a call to go over a few more details before submitting to Dr. Cooper for review. She stated I should hear back in a couple days on those results. Next morning I received a voicemail stating that I am not qualified to even be seen because what my other doctor had already tried is everything they would be able to do as well.The issue here is, my previous doctor had only done one injection and one nerve block, I had left them before going any further with care.How can this be all you would do as well? You are Spine Team - you would think you would be able to treat a bit more specific. All this shows me is Dr. Cooper is a low grade doctor who cannot handle any case which is not simply laid out in front of him. What a waste of time.I have come to find out after talking with my doctor and some others that sadly Spine Team has been getting worse over the years as their doctors are just there for the numbers, the patient care aspect is gone and if you are not a clear dollar sign then they tell you to get lost.
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    Miranda Gallegos Via Google Business Profile - Rockwall
    This is a poor excuse for an office. Dr. Em Babi told my husband he would help him out of his own mouth and when it came time my husband is now Harley able to move and we will be seeking representation. I will not let one more doctor make one of my family members physically dependent on pain meds and then rip them no sir dr. Em Babi u should be ashamed of ur bed side manner and ur oath as a physician.
    N. Unbearable Pain Via Healthgrades - Dr. Egle Bavry
    I had been through all the tests that the surgeon wanted me to undergo and been diagnosed with multiple herniated discs that were responsible for my unbearable pain. He wanted me to seek a pain management specialist for pain medicine, pre-operatively as well as postoperatively. I sought this doctor's help and was in complete shock when I hobbled out of her office. She refused to offer me anything for pain, and would not even look at all of the test results that I had in hand for her review. I have never been so disappointed in my entire life. Pain management specialist is a misnomer for this physician.
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    Jacquelyn Nicholson Via Google Business Profile - Rockwall
    I have a medical condition that precludes me from wearing a mask. It's very harmful and as you can imagine, I couldn't go to a lot of places the last few years. EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE EXEMPTIONS LEGALLY IN EVERY CASE for those of us with medical conditions for which mask wearing is contraindicated, I was denied being in this facility without a mask and denied medical care and the test I needed for a surgical procedure because their policy is that everyone must wear a mask. It didn't matter that I was completely healthy, had no symptoms of anything, I wasn't going to be allowed to get the test because I can't wear a mask. Zero accommodations. When I kindly asked them why, I was told it was their policy. No exceptions. So, before you go, know it is their policy to illegally deny medical care to someone because they have a medical condition that precludes them from doing something that even the CDC says is not needed. When all the evidence is out that masks do absolutely nothing, except for obstruct the breathing of those of us who have medical conditions and can't wear them, there are still a few bureaucrats in control of policies and alleged medical professionals too stupid to know that it makes no sense. I was discriminated against for my medical condition and denied a test that I need for surgery. Thanks Spine Team Texas.
    Jacquelyn N. Via Yelp - Rockwall
    I have a pretty complicated situation as a person with a medical condition that precludes me from wearing a mask. It's very harmful to me and as you can imagine, I couldn't go to a lot of places the last few years. EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE EXEMPTIONS legally IN EVERY CASE for those of us with medical conditions for which mask wearing is contraindicated, I was denied being in this facility without a mask and denied medical care. I was denied the test I needed for a surgical procedure because their policy is that everyone must wear a mask. It didn't matter that I was completely healthy, had no symptoms of anything, I wasn't going to be allowed to get the test because I can't wear a mask. When I kindly asked them why, I was told it was their policy. No exceptions. So, before you go, know it is their policy to deny medical care to someone because they have a medical condition that preclude them from doing something that even the CDC says is no longer beneficial. When all the evidence is out that masks do absolutely nothing, except for obstruct the breathing of those of us who have medical conditions and can't wear them, there are still a few bureaucrats in control of policies and alleged medical professionals too stupid to know that it makes no sense. I was discriminated against for my medical condition and denied a test that I need for surgery. Thanks Spine Team Texas. Wow.
    +1(817) 442-9300