Spine Team Texas
7542 reviews
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    C C Via Google Business Profile - Rockwall
    I had an experience with the clinical manager named Ellisha, and she was so unprofessional with me. That alone should make you run for the hills when it comes to being patient. If you have someone like THAT in leadership I can only imagine what else is happening in your practice.
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    Mitzi Neeb Via Google Business Profile - Bedford
    Dr Tran and Dwayne Collins were horrible. I requested DMX xrays and neither one would order them. Mr Collins said just by looking at me he could tell I dont have nerve compression even though I told him I feel spine pain and nerve sensations all down my spine. I also have headaches. He only took xrays and refused to take updated MRIs even when I pleaded and cried on the phone. I asked for pain relief and all he could offer was a steroid shot that lasted a few days that wouldn't have even been placed in the back. Neither provider took my pain seriously. They gaslighted me out the door and when I asked for a patient advocate or nurse they just told me to go back to the same doctors. Come to find out, I have bone spurs and other issues that Spine Team refused to investigate and diagnose. Awful. Learn how to listen to your patients and take them seriously. Providers like this are why suicidal rate is so high with chronic pain patients. To add to it, they told me I had a balance for the xrays when I didn't even want them because I knew a standard xray wouldn't show soft tissue.
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    JDM Sam Via Google Business Profile - Richardson
    Office took 2 weeks to send a Rx in to pharmacy after calling twice. All it takes is a click and submit to send an Rx over. Simple X-ray Imaging isn't done in office and is outsourced. You pay for a visit that accomplishes nothing really so you have to come back and pay a second copay to even determine a course of treatment. Find another practice that has their operations in order.
    Bill Via Healthgrades - Dr. Harish Badhey
    Dr. Badhey does not explain things well. Had two injections to qualify for burning nerves. Told me medicare would not cover facet joint steroid injections. My only option was to burn my nerves. After the second injection for L4, L56, S1 my back pain is worse.
    Skott Harrington Via Healthgrades - Dr. David Rothbart
    I notice that my previous review in October is not here. He was not a caring and acted in a manner unbecoming a physician.
    +1(817) 442-9300