Eye Associates of North Florida
2769 reviews
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    Sandy Via Healthgrades - Elizabeth Strickland, OD
    She is absolutely amazing
    Anonymous Via WebMD - Kenneth Kato, MD
    Adam Fritz Via Healthgrades - Jerry Ford, MD
    Dr. Ford is a wonderful doctor and a talented surgeon. I went in for a pterygium extraction because my vision was impaired. He diagnosed the problem quickly and surgically removed the pterygium. It is very difficult when you lose vision at 41 even if it was only in one eye. After the surgery my eyesight is clear in my outlook on life is positive. The staff at Tallahassee Eye Associates is very professional and courteous. I would recommend them to any of my family and friends.
    Anonymous Via WebMD - Jerry Ford, MD
    Healthgrades User Via Healthgrades - Viet Bui, MD
    He has an excellent bedside manner, caring, knowledgeable, thorough.
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    +1(850) 878-6161