Pacific Eye Associates
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    Katherine Dhuey Via Google Business Profile - San Francisco
    Ruth C. Via Yelp - San Francisco
    Updating my review because it turns out that the prescription they gave me was wrong. I was having problems with it, and after so much wasted time, appointments and thinking there was a serious issue with my eyes -- an appropriate prescription from a different office fixed the problem. This, added to the issues in my previous review - I'm happy I was able to find another place (since my previous optometrist retired). From my experience, I don't think they provide good patient care in addition to the awful patient service experience.
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    Sara Moss Via Google Business Profile - Dr. Emily Sarah Charlson
    Unfortunately, I didn't check her Yelp reviews prior. I hope to be changing this review, but echoing some others similar sentiments:I went in for a stye and was hoping to get it drained. The doctor insisted that a steroid injection and cream would be the best course of action, without sharing any potential consequences upfront. When I asked her about the possibility of discoloration at the injection site, she assured me it wouldn't be an issue. I also expressed concerns about using steroids as we're trying to conceive this fall, and another ophthalmologist had advised caution. Without ever having met me, she bluntly stated, "Oh, we use steroids on pregnant women all the time! Have you thought of using IVF?" Who says that? This is out of her scope of practice and unethical.It's been weeks, and I have full discoloration at the injection site, which is super disappointing right before my wedding. Dermatologist confirmed it was doctors error and the hypopigmentation isn't going anywhere. The swelling looks the same as it did when I came in. I was NOT sent home with any written care instructions and have not been able to get a response from her or her office regarding after-care or this latest concern.Find somewhere else. I explained multiple times that I didn't feel comfortable with steroids and should have listened to my gut. She fear-mongered me into getting a shot by saying I could have scarring and that today was the best time to do it. She also reminded me she's a plastic surgeon and does this stuff all the time. The moral here is: don't feel pressured into making any decisions with her. Get a second opinion or reschedule if you have to. I deeply regret not doing that.
    Google Business Profile
    Jack Loop Via Google Business Profile - San Francisco
    They clearly try to extract more cash by finding reasons why I should see a specific doctor who unfortunately doesnt take my insurance at the moment.Ive been a client for years but they simply want the cash. Avoid.
    Claire F. Via Yelp - San Francisco
    I and my entire family have been patients at Pacific Eye Associates for over 20 years. Sadly, I must add another one star review to all the rest. The office staff were beyond rude, acting in a cold, callous and abusive manner. The situation was this: my gravely disabled sister, who was suffering from a recurrence of an eye infection she had had several months ago, was undergoing dialysis nearby, so I walked over to the office to ask if the doctor would renew the eye drop prescription she had. I went in and came up to the front desk to make my request, was cut off and told, "Go sit in that chair and wait till I call you, " which I did. When they called me to the desk, I made my request, and was told, "No, first you have to bring her in here in next week." I said that her eyes were so badly infected that I would hope that her doctor could renew the prescription in the meantime. "Absolutely not, now leave the office," which I did. That was bad enough. Imagine my shock when I got a phone call from another office staff person who said that i called his staff "animals", and that I was wandering around the office space looking for a doctor and being disruptive. I told him he'd been misinformed, I would never call a human being an animal and that I was not wandering I was sitting in a chair. He said "You are not allowed to ever set foot in this office again. We have your name and number and you are never to set foot in this office again. Do you hear me, you are never to come to this office again." He literally repeated it three or four times. These people are unhinged. I am 74 years old and I have never encountered anything remotely like this anywhere. They are to be avoided at all costs.
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