Pacific Eye Associates
1141 reviews
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    R. C. Via Yelp - San Francisco
    You walk into the dark waiting area to be greeted by a floor to ceiling poster advertising - ready? Botox! This is not merely unprofessional - it is insensitive. Patients in the waiting hall are suffering from macular degeneration, retinal detachment, glaucome or worse. They are waiting to see their doctor, often anxiously, next to a poster suggesting they also consider Botox. I have been a patient at this office for years because it was known for quality opthalmologists. Within the last year or so, it has become an assembly line. The support staff will rush patients into exam rooms, often without a personal word, perfunctorily administer tests and then turn on a light alerting the doctor it's time to rush in.I am sure the physicians remain well-trained eye doctors, but I won't be back. Botox? May I suggest a dermatologist?
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    Megan Bigelow Via Google My Business - Dr. Jennifer Sung
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    Cole Benson Via Google My Business - Dr. David Heiden
    The physician and staff members are courteous, thorough and competent but I spend an inordinate amount of time waiting to be seen.
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    Les Finkelstein Via Google My Business - Dr. Ali Zaidi
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    Jas Kimbell Via Google My Business - Dr. Ali Zaidi
    Dr Zaidi is amazing. He takes the time to listen, provides great care and is very knowledgeable.
    +1(415) 923-3007