Spine Team Texas
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    Google Business Profile
    Thane Walker (NTXBoi) Via Google Business Profile - Alliance
    Tom Fris Via Healthgrades - Spencer Noble, PT, DPT
    After many shots and surgery, PT with different providers, with surgery again being recommended, and suffering severe sciatic pain, I was fortunate enough to have Spencer work with me. He assessed my situation, listened attentively and helped guide me on a course of treatment. We agreed from the start that the goal was satisfactory lifestyle without drugs or surgery. I followed the plan and within months I was living without back/sciatic pain. It seemed crazy to me that with all the shots, surgery, PT and another surgery looming that a simple clear plan of treatment worked so well. One PT group was charging $400 an hour for services. They were very good, but when I left I asked what to do ongoing and they said go to a gym! And the pain returned. After my sessions with Spencer I am now free from back pain preventing me a full life. I have a system of how to address my pain when ever it crops up and will always be grateful to Spencer for that freedom. It's been over two years... !
    D.E. Strickling Via Healthgrades - Dr. Amit Darnule
    All of the staff and doctor were very safe, nice and professional. I was pleased with my appointment.
    Robert Tully Via Healthgrades - Dr. David Cooper
    Dr.Cooper was great, he answered all my questions and explained the upcoming procedure. Even when visit was continued outside buildingwhile fire alarm sent us outside during the visit.
    Donald DeGroot Via Healthgrades - Dr. Michael Garcia
    excellent care from all involved
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    +1(817) 442-9300