Mann Eye Institute
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    Anna B. Via Google My Business - Mary Green, MD, PhD, FACS
    I got LASIK at Dr. Green's office several weeks ago and I could not have wished for a better experience. Dr. Green and her staff are very knowledgeable, professional and accommodating. I felt comfortable the minute I walked in. I am so happy with the results. They will talk you through every step and make 100% this procedure is right for you. I received a recommendation for this office from a friend and I would recommend this office and all of the great staff to anyone who is considering LASIK.
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    Zulema Montemayor Via Google My Business - Sugar Land Location
    After being almost blind for the majority of my life (Left eye= -8, Right eye= -7.5), I never thought I would say this but I have PERFECT VISION!!!I was always hesitant to have Lasik done, and now I honestly dont know what I was afraid of. I am however happy that I waited until I found not only the right doctor, but also an office that has the latest in Lasik technology. Because of this, my surgery and recovery were both quick and absolutely painless, without any of the side effects Ive heard others complain about. I would recommend Dr. Wright to any of my friends and family. Dr. Janes and the staff were also as friendly and professional as can be. I am beyond happy with my experience and results!
    Son H. Via Yelp - Fannin Location
    Went for my 2 year check up. All is good! Again, very serious surgery (Visian ICL's) but NO complications. Thank you Dr. Mann and the staff! Also ran into Dina who walked me through the entire process. She is great and remembered me. Thanks Dina! I would contact her if you need LASIK or Visian ICL's.
    Zarak Iqbal Via Facebook - South Austin Location
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    Judy Scheifley Via Google My Business - Fannin Location
    I have been wearing glasses or contacts since the fourth grade, and have been a patient of Eye Excellence for several years. I have always found them to be extremely helpful and competent. This spring Dr. Green said I was a candidate for cataract surgery. I chose to have the Crystal Lens upgraded lens replacement. Even after the first eye was done I could see the TV from the kitchen for the first time I can remember. I have been noticing how bright and clear everything is since my surgery. This has been a life changing experience for me. It's great to not need glasses or contact lenses to see. I will be forever grateful to Dr. Green and her staff.
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    +1(180) 069-8474