Clearview Eye and Laser
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    Christopher Christensen Via Google Maps - West Seattle Office
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    Chris Arrau Via Google Maps - Thomas G. Mulligan, M.D.
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    Philip L Via Google Maps - Thomas G. Mulligan, M.D.
    I had the beginnings of cataracts in both eyes and decided to simply go ahead and take care of them instead of waiting. Outside of new technology there really isn't any upside to waiting. Who wouldn't like to see better right now?I had the Technis Symfony lenses put in because I wanted to have multi-focal lenses. I was hopeful that I could do away with glasses altogether though Dr. Mulligan told me I would probably need some cheap reading glasses from Costco - in the 1.25+ to 1.50+ range to read small print. Well, I'm just about 2 weeks past my second eye being done and I'm reading newspapers without glasses. I am very, very pleased.I have had some issues with burning and tearing in the eyes but my first eye done is now past that and I'm certain the second eye will soon be. All-in-all a good experience. I would whole heartedly recommend Clear Vision to my friends and family.Good luck!
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    Mary Pat Sweetman Via Google Maps - Thomas G. Mulligan, M.D.
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    Mike Meigs Via Google Maps - Keshia Casimir, O.D.
    Dr. Casimir was patient and took the necessary time at my eye appointment to get the right prescription and also took the time to explain the details of a potential eye condition. Would definitely recommend.
    +1(206) 937-9600