Milwaukee Eye Care
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    jim brady Via Google Business Profile - Milwaukee Eye Care (Bayside)
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    Karyn K Via Google Business Profile - Milwaukee Eye Care (Brookfield)
    Very friendly tech who did all the testing prior to meeting with the doctor. Dr. Weis was patient and answered my questions thoroughly.
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    Donna Steuer Via Google Business Profile - Jay A. Heilmann, O.D.
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    KT Via Google Business Profile - Nicholas J. Frame, M.D.
    I had cataract surgery with Dr Frame. He and the staff at the center were wonderful. Receptionist guide my driver & me to the center for the first procedure. Wonderful experience. Thank you. Can see the world clearer with classes and just eyes without glasses.
    Healthgrades User Via Healthgrades - Mackenzie M. Sward, M.D.
    A real professional . When told that my dry AMD was now wet AMD and and the treatment was an injection in the eye I was nervous to say the least. I've jumped out of planes with less concern. Dr. Sward was very patient in explaining the procedure and totally gained my confidence with her tolerating my initial reluctance before agreeing to go forward. Everything she explained was right on . I'll be having many follow up injections but i'm not concerned because I totally trust Dr. Sward.
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    +1(414) 271-2020