Lake Austin Eye
271 reviews
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    David N. Via Yelp - Main Office
    Dr. Cottle preformed bilateral lens replacement on me. The left lens was first and work out good, honestly better than I expected.<br><br>The problem was the right eye which is/was my dominate eye. From the day of the surgery I have not been able to see with my right eye as well as I could before the lens replacement. This is all after paying almost $2700 more for the "Premium Surgery" which I was told would insure the correct lens. The problem may be the wrong lens. My wife heard immediately after surgery they did not have the correct lens available. I was under sedation and do not remember the conversation, Dr. Cottle denies the incorrect lens was used.<br><br>Since the initial surgery Dr. Cottle tried corneal ablation which did not improve my vision and made my minor dry eye issue a major problem. Todate I tried contacts and gone to tri-focal glasses with minimal success.<br><br>In the end Dr. Cottle told me she did not know what the problem was and I should find another doctor to help me.
    A. T. Via Yelp - Main Office
    While Dr. Cottle is extremely knowledgable and a specialist in her field, her bedside manner leaves me wondering after every exam why I stick with her (it's truly because of her expertise only). I schedule my exams 6 months to a year out, and I still am left waiting in an exam room for an hour & 15 minutes every time to the point where I have to remind someone that I'm still there before I see her. This is the longest any doctor that I see ever makes me wait, including award-winning surgeons. I don't see the point in scheduling so many months out if I'm not going to be accommodated into the schedule correctly. I should be called day-of the exam if she's running over an hour late or her schedule should allow for ample time and not be overbooked. I understand she is busy, but I have to take an entire half day off of work every time to see her to drive out from Downtown to Bee Cave and sit in a waiting room for over an hour just have her see me for 5 minutes and tell me everything looks good.
    Anonymous Via Healthgrades - Dr. Gina Cottle
    Extremely Long waiting times, unprofessional, unorganized,
    Google Business Profile
    David Nelson Via Google Business Profile - Main Office
    Update (11/23/21): My right lenses replacement was four years ago. In that four years I have spent thousands of dollars trying to see even fairly well through my right eye to no real success. The thousands include glasses and contacts as I am told additional surgeries would worsen the dry eye problem that went along with my lenses replacement. Nothing has worked for long as the right lenses is not stable thus my vision constantly changes. I still say the doctor is a good 50/50 doctor and fine if you are only interested in good vision in one eye.Now for her replies below, truly BS. No calls no follow through, she screwed up and moved on the the next patient.Dr. Cottle preformed bilateral lens replacements for me due to cataracts.The first lens was good, actually better than I expected. The second, my right and dominate eye has been a disaster. My right eye vision is worse now than before her surgery. My right vision is foggy, blurred and getting worse over time. She tried to correct my vision with a corneal ablation, this procedure did not improve my vision but did turn a minor dry eye problem into a major complication.After Dr. Cottle said she could not help me I tried contacts and tri-focal glasses, in all honestly there is some improvement with the glasses but still not as good as before surgery and the dry issue is a 24 hour problem. This is all after I paid almost $5400 additional for the "premium surgery." In my last appointment with Dr. Cottle said she did not know what was wrong, she could not help me, she stated I should find another doctor, I now realize I should have found another doctor before I let her operate on me.Dr. Cottle denies this however I believe she put the wrong lens in. My wife says immediately after the right eye surgery she heard discussion the correct lens was not available. I was under sedation and do not remember the discussion. Again Dr. Cottle denies she placed the wrong lens so who knows.
    Anonymous P. Via Yelp - Main Office
    Dr. Cottle is NEVER on time. On several occasions I have waited an hour or more either in the waiting room or in the room in the back. She is consistently running behind schedule. That is even with the first appointment of the day or the first appointment after lunch. Dr. Cottle even told me herself that she always runs 1 - 1.5 hours behind schedule. Really - maybe she should look at her clinic flow and readjust her appointment times. It is so disrespectful that I leave work to be there for my scheduled appointment time, and then have to wait. Why is my time less important than yours? We are required to re-schedule if we are more than 15 minutes late and still pay our co-pay so why should we pay your office our co-pay if you are late? Then Dr. Cottle will spend very little time in the room with you and will not give you her full attention, failing to explain what is fully going on, fails to give you options, fails to give you the outcome of your condition, fails to test for other possibilities. Why do I have to suggest things that we could try, and then you just agree - how do I know if that is the best route to go. Joy front desk receptionist has no clue what is going on and Maya talks the big talk but gives you false information claiming "for legal reasons" and does not follow through on what she tells you. I have tried on several occasions to give this place the benefit of the doubt thinking they may be having a rough day, but this is not the case with this facility. I will definitely be seeking another provider and hope Dr. Cottle and her staff can pull it together and offer better experiences. I hope others that have experienced any of the same issues, as the negative experiences posted, seek care elsewhere.
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    +1(512) 263-1113