Lake Austin Eye
271 reviews
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    Sandi H. Via Yelp - Main Office
    Worst vision appointment I've ever experienced. Went in for contacts. After an hour and a half, they said I had to come back for a specific "contact" appointment (and technician was rude.) I was charged for the first appointment, and charged again for the second "lense" appointment. After another hour and 45 minutes, while the doctor ran from me to another patient, I had to go back for a third appointment because Dr. Chan "did not understand what I wanted". Terrible business. Steer clear.
    Anne Borkowski Via Facebook - Main Office
    Anne Borkowski Via Facebook - Main Office
    Atlanta Brown: I had LASIK at Lake Austin Eye last October by Dr. Gina Cottle. The doctor claims to be a "dry eye specialist" and reassured me that it was okay I had dry patches in the initial assessment for the procedure. She didn't look into them and told me not to worry. I was 21, happy with the money I earned from my job, tired of glasses I've been wearing since I was 4, and naive in my trust of doctors. She never scanned my glands. I never even knew what meibomian glands were, but she neglected to check them and ensure my eyes were healthy enough for this procedure. I went back to her and she through prescriptions for Xidra and Restaisis at me with no thought and STILL didn't check my glands. I went to another place when my eyes were so bad, I was wearing swim goggles to watch my online classes. It was quickly discovered by a caring doctor I next to no glands, and I shouldn't have been a candidate for Lasik. I'd love to save other people the trouble that I'm going to have for the rest of my life. She got my review "hidden" on Google. I feel a little powerless here. If you guys want to support a fellow dry eyer, please consider leaving a review about the importance of doctors who are very selective on who they perform LASIK on. She saw me as a walking bag of money, now my eyes will always be a problem for me. So far, I've maxed out a credit card on treatments for this disease and I'm barely making it through classes.
    Mindy O. Via Yelp - Main Office
    Dr. Chan was the worst doctor I've ever experienced. I hope that Dr. Chan is not treating every patient in the same mistreatment that she has done to me, however, if it were me, my mother or father, my son or daughter, I would seek a better, more competent alternative. After being advised to see a specialist regarding a possible serious & blinding infection, I visited Dr. Chan. She misdiagnosed me for over a week saying I had a bacterial infection with a combination of severe dry eyes. After the symptoms got so severe, she googled a doctor in Houston & told me to go see her to get culture samples of my infection. She put the burden on me to make the appointment with this doctor. I was the one that was able to make this appointment happen quickly, not her. I even contacted Dr. Chan about the pain which she recommended I go to the ER. That was $500 down the drain because there were no specialists that could help- something Dr. Chan should've been aware of. I went to an optometrist in Houston seeking a second opinion & he was able to clean out my eyes & offer medication until I saw my specialist. Luckily, the specialist in Houston was magnificent. I received the medication needed to treat my fungal infection. When I returned to Austin a week later & over 90 minutes of waiting at her office, Dr. Chan stated that she did not trust the Austin labs & that was the reason she sent me to Houston. After having a mishap with my necessary refrigerator medication, I called Dr. Chan for assistance on whether or not to continue with these eye drops that had been left out. She got back to me over 30 hours later. Luckily, I had the Houston pharmacy & specialist respond within hours. When I asked for a refill on my medication, Dr. Chan sent in the wrong prescription. She insisted I call the only pharmacy in Austin that could fill this request & make sure they could complete my request. I called my pharmacy in Houston & got the refill transferred. When I went to pick it up, 6 hours later, Dr. Chan still had not sent in my prescription. I beg you to find another doctor. I've never felt more vulnerable & abused.
    Ann C. Via Yelp - Main Office
    My husband went to Dr. Cottle for an exam. Dr. Cottle said he needed cataract surgery on both eyes but could be done one at a time. That's what my husband wanted to do. He went in for a post operative appointment and was charged $160 co-pay for the surgery plus the regular co-pay for an office visit. I didn't think that was right, but wasn't sure, so I paid the additional $160. I checked his policy and he was only responsible for his office visit co-pay and payment to the surgical center the day of the surgery. They would not reimburse the $160 until after the claim was settled. As of 9 months later, they have not filed the claim. A claims person from the insurance company had a 3 way call with Maya in Dr. Cottle's office and she said she would send me a check by the end of the week. I still have not received a check and it is 3 weeks since the call. I called the office last week and was told they would check with Maya about it. Still nothing. And my husband has seen another Ophthalmologist who says he has only a small cataract in the other eye and does not need surgery for a long time. Interestingly, they have seen him 3 times in Dr. Cottle's office, but filed a claim for the first office visit only, not the other two.
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