Eye Care Specialists
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    ESTHER HOWARD Via Google Business Profile - Bloomsburg
    The doctors are awesome. On the other hand, they have two signs on the door that say, " This is a medical facility. Masks must be worn at all times." The signs specify the masks must be worn over mouth and nose. Ok. Fine. We can comply. Meanwhile, the people working there in the main area either don't have masks on at all or have them over their mouths but not their noses.
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    Silvia H Via Google Business Profile - Nanticoke
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    Kelli M Bray Via Google Business Profile - Kingston
    Ugh! Had my eyes dilated - no roll-up lenses available for getting outside. New system for getting into your appointment is terrible. You have to scan your own driver's license and insurance cards. Then make your payment. I was paying cash no one was at the front desk so I just went straight in for my appointment. At the end when I was checking out heaven forbid - the receptionist asked if I paid. I told the truth no one was at the front desk. Without taking a breath - the receptionist said "I can take that here." LOL. Okay if you must. I just find it so funny over the last two years how the health care industry is so concerned about the co-pay.
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    Shawn Clavelle Via Google Business Profile - Bloomsburg
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    Evelyn McDoom Via Google Business Profile - Kingston
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    +1(570) 288-7405