Ellis Eye & Laser Medical Center
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    Mayra N. Via Yelp - San Jose/Silicon Valley
    Let me just start with the staff at Ellis Eye Center, one of the most sweetest person I've meet in a clinic. Some who captures you with positive vibes, always smiling and of course that is Marleny. I felt so protected by her. She replied to every text i send her about my concerns prior my eye surgery. Im just super happy to have met this wonderful women. Now moving on with my procedure, Marleny told me to have a good breakfast to try to stay relax i mean her words were so calming. My appointment was at 10am as soon as i got there i can say the process between singing papers that i had already read at home, getting ready were about and 1 i had a little delay because they were getting the room ready the surgery was in no more than 10mins! I know pretty fast, but after that only thing that bother me was the stitch on my eye. I came home vomiting due to the medication being a bit strong which is understandable because im mot use to medicine that was on the 1st day only, but i had no pain at all. Its my 3rd day after surgery i feel good eye it's looking better day by day. Marleny tiene una personalidad hermosa. Es difcil encontrarte con personas que estn felices en su trabajo pero est mujer MARLENY es otra cosa. Bien dedicada asegurndose siempre que todo este bien. Excelente persona.
    Arturo J. Via Yelp - San Francisco/Bay Area
    Let me start off by saying Lasik is SOOOO worth it! AND I have total confidence in William Ellis and his team.Before I went in for a free consult I had been told for many years by my optometrist that I don't qualify for Lasik as "the technology isn't there yet". After many years and youtube researching the procedure I decided to give the consult a try. Heck its FREE why not right?I had really bad vision with astigmatism. I was 20/2400 and due to astigmatism in my right eye being worse than the left that I barely qualified. Instant reaction was that I don't have much time before I don't qualify. I took only days and decided to get it done about 2 weeks later. A self Xmas gift.I showed up to the El Cerrito office and it was a long process as you have to watch a video regarding the surgery and then read through a ton of paperwork. They want you to make sure you understand all the factors and sign off. There's lots of signing. I finally got taken in to take the pills that prepare you and relax you while they also explain all the eye drops and give you a chart to follow. VERY IMPORTANT to do ALL that.Just prior to the exam Dr Ellis explains to me that he recommends me to do one eye at a time due to my high astigmatism or else I will be blind and useless while my eye heals and vision improves. It was ultimately my choice what to do so I chose to do my left eye only. I'm glad I went with his recommendation. Once in the room and on the table they put the speculum in my eye then drops to numb your eye and eye lids and then drops to sterilize the eye. 5 mins later they start and you see the laser and your job is to stay still, be relaxed and just look right at the laser center. I had to be shot twice with the laser. I couldn't tell when they cut the flap open and flipped it back closed. I felt something cold at the end it was the contact they put as a bandage so you don't feel the flap with your eye lid. One thing is that when the laser was working it smelled something burning. So don't get scared about that. Once I was done minutes later. I was on my way home 10 minutes later.It took 2 months for my vision in my left eye to improve to 20/50 and stayed like that for 6 months. On my own I ate 1 or 2 carrots every day. Vitamin A for your vision. Nothing that was recommended by Dr Ellis or his team. I later changed to juicing the carrots and drink carrot juice (1/3 of a mug or about 3 carrots worth) instead. I also took 4 capsules of moringa powder (. One of Dr Ellis doctors that checks you on follow ups to make sure your eyes don't form any disease told me my eye didn't have potential for better than 20/50. I decided to get my right eye done and continued with carrot juice and the moringa capsules.The day came and before getting the right eye done he checked both eyes and he was surprised my left eye improved to 20/40. It took 10 months to get there. I got my right eye done and again continued with the juice and capsules. 5 weeks later my vision in both are at 20/40. And he is surprised looking at how quickly my right eye improved. I told him what I was taking and he asked about the moringa powder.I continue with both still and from what I can tell my vision is still improving as I'm checking my vision with a chart you can print off the internet.
    Anonymous Via Yelp - San Francisco/Bay Area
    I said thank u very much dr ellis my visin is back and thank u nelly and dr Chang for all your help in san francisco ca
    Marco Antonio Alfaro Via Facebook - El Cerrito/Contra Costa
    Marlen Garcia Via Facebook - El Cerrito/Contra Costa
    +1(510) 525-2600