Practice was very professional. All staff were sensitive & helpful


Dr Fitzgerald was very thorough with the eye exam. Needed a second opinion and felt it was well worth our time and money to get it. In fact he will now become our primary eye doctor. Very happy with the whole office. Highly recommend Dr Fitzgerald.


Dr Clavenna and his staff make sure you are 100 percent comfortable and get a very good eye exam. I would highly recommend them.


Highly professional staff, extremely helpful, provided exceptional attention to safety during these Covid times. Dr. Clavenna was extremely detailed explaining his findings, suggestions, provided his full attention to my questions and concerns with exceptional Bedside Manner rarely mastered and demonstrated by anincreasing number of healthcare providers focused on the business not art of healthcare.


Very professional and efficient. I felt well cared for.

Clavenna Vision Institute
218 5.0 - star reviews