Mann Eye Institute
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    Linh Nguyen Via Google Business Profile - Fannin Location
    Had a great experience. All the staff was super friendly and the operation was fast and not painful whatsoever.
    Elizabeth M. Via Yelp - Fannin Location
    It's been about 6 months since my LASIK procedure with Mann Eye, and I have to say I am very happy with the results. It's so simple and straight forward it's hard to believe more people don't do the procedure. <br><br>The facility they run in the museum district is run very well. Everyone seems to be on top of their game, and everything is very efficient. I can't stress how much I appreciate that.<br><br>Now. I feel like there's a disclaimer that's needed for those seeking this procedure, but you won't really hear from any source. (I didn't) During the actual procedure you are of course awake, but they don't tell you what's going on at all. It's just lie down then they (the staff) all start talking amongst themselves as though you are catatonic. You look at something; then there's a suction cup being attached to your eye and a burning smell (no pain, but WTF). Then, turns out you're not done yet so there's another super disco-y light you look at when the surgeon presumably sticks a tool in recently burned eye and...<br>you go blind.<br><br>Yes. You go blind. It's like 15 seconds total, if that. But the fact that no one warned me it was coming freaked me the frack out. It was like... ok, i can do this, i can do this, no big deal, OMG YOU MESSED UP?<br><br>Turns out everything is fine. Now you know what you're getting into.<br><br>Oh, and I don't know if it's possible, but if you already have a dry-ish eye beforehand request to get your dry eye drop prescription immediately after surgery so you can start pronto. The free eye drops they give you don't do anything.
    Google Business Profile
    Tony Tu Via Google Business Profile - Fannin Location
    I went from a -11 to 20/20 in one afternoon. Dr Green, you are amazing!The staff is extremely thorough in pre-op procedure; they made sure I got all the information and what to expect during and after. These are also the nicest and caring people in the world. I was given follow calls on a regular basis the first few days just to make sure I am doing OK, and I am! Great work Guys and Gals!
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    K. Franklin Via Google Business Profile - Katy Location
    I am soooo glad I went to Mann Eye Institute!! I was a little nervous before my lasik procedure but the entire staff including Dr. Mann made me feel at ease. At my initial consultation I felt like I was at the right place. The entire process was very professional and efficient. Now that I've had the procedure I couldn't be happier!!! I'm seeing 20/15 and it's only been 1 week! Thanks Mann Eye for changing my life!
    Kari F. Via Yelp - South Austin Location
    In my years of utilizing Yelp to find the best spots in town, I don't think I've ever once written a review. Mann Eye Institute is beyond deserving of 5 stars.<br><br>I was browsing Groupon one day for a deal on a massage when I came across Mann Eye's deal. I had a friend who'd just had LASIK done days before and it got me wishing for it again. But I grew up blue collar and I'll die blue collar; there's no way I'd ever be able to afford LASIK!<br><br>Despite my financial shortcomings, I called up for a free consultation; that way, I'd at least know if my dream was possible, that I was eligible to get LASIK.<br><br>I walked in to be greeted by theee friendliest front desk I've ever approached. They got me checked in and I waited just a few moments to meet with Kevin. He explained the procedure and risks and blahblahblah, and also mentioned that financing was an option. When I brought up the Groupon, he advised me not to waste the $100; they'd just give me the price the procedure would be with the deal (less than $4k for BOTH eyes!). Since LASIK has been a (nearly) lifelong dream, I had very few questions about the procedure and side effects. I was more concerned about if I could afford to do it. He told me financing was available through CareCredit, no interest for 2 years. *GROAN* I've applied for CareCredit more than a few times, and have always been denied. Despite my wonderful experience with the staff that day, I went home feeling a bit melancholy that I would not be able to have the procedure done.<br><br>Lo and behold, the stars aligned and CareCredit actually approved me for the amount of the procedure!! I called immediately and scheduled an appointment for 3 or 4 weeks out (I had to stop wearing my contacts for at least 2 weeks before) and got super amped.<br><br>Flash forward to my pre-op appointment 2 days before; Mirta took my measurements and was wonderful, engaging, and warm. There was a bit of a geek-out session when they discovered my corneas were exactly the same measurements (what can I say, I'm a symmetrical freak of nature!). Dr. Cessac came after and talked me through what to expect on LASIK day, and Kevin came in to provide a little more detail. I felt like I was being attended to by the entire staff. The entire awesome, friendly, knowledgable, humorous staff.<br><br>LASIK day I expected myself to be a ball of anxiety. I'm not sure if it was the Valium or the staff talking me through each step, but I felt incredibly comfortable throughout the quick, painless procedure. I had been told previously to expect to be there for 1-2 hours, but I was in and out in less than 45 minutes.<br><br>I was only able to sleep for 2 hours when I got home (they recommend at least 3), but I was too excited. I still must've slept through any post-op discomfort (itching, burning), because I felt absolutely normal when I woke up (minus the cyclops goggles). I was able to still go grocery shopping, catch up on some Breaking Bad, and grab a margarita at Chuy's (all in the cyclops goggles). I drove myself to my post-op the next morning, and again was in and out in less than 15 minutes. They even gave me a little gift (fittingly, a coffee mug that reads "I heart My LASIK A Latte" and my favorite flavor of Bebop Biscotti; HOW DID THEY KNOW?!).<br><br>All in all, I don't think I could've had a better experience. I never felt like I was just another patient when I walked in, and still can't get over the fact that I CAN SEE. MY EYES WORK. IT'S FABULOUS.<br><br>I love you, Mann Eye!
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