Mann Eye Institute
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    Justin Howeth Via Facebook - South Austin Location
    Amy R. Via Yelp - South Austin Location
    Oh- where to start.. My eye nightmare started with Mann Eye in 2011.<br><br>Apparently one in 3,000 people get lucky and Lasik doesn't correct their vision. For those considering getting Lasik: Please consider the real risks of lasik to your vision. You aren't invincible. You are not the exception, and considering the tens of thousands of lasik surgeries that happen at Mann eye, you could be next. <br><br>After getting lasik, my left eye fine but my right eye was so blurry I couldn't read. The doctors kept insisting that I just had dry eyes and wouldn't correct their mistake. Months and months later, they finally agreed to fix my right blurry eye. I waited several months with blurry vision and constant check ups, missing work, unable to read street signs or words on the computer, and then went through the surgery and... STILL COULD NOT SEE. So I waited several more months, getting constant checkups and the same old story of "well try this drop and it will probably resolve itself", finally went through the surgery again, more check ups, vision still blurry, migraines from squinting to read through blurred vision, now wearing sunglasses to work because the fluorescent lights and computer glare are unbearable. <br><br>Then FINALLY a year later, I get the second correction *third surgery total* which finally got me to 20/20.. but not before I endured over a year of blurry vision and migraines from trying to read on the computer at work for 8 hours a day. The doctors are strictly operating on a CYA basis. They will take every opportunity to weasel out of doing their job and blame their shoddy work on 'dry eyes'. <br><br>At the end of it all, on my last check up, I told the doctor that I was seeing a flash of light when I closed my right eye. I asked if that was normal after having three lasik surgeries. The doctor said it sounded like a retinal tear and that it was in no way related to the lasik. I connected the dots immediately: three lasik surgeries in my right eye: retinal tear. One lasik surgery in my left eye: no retinal tear. Hmmm.. could the three surgeries and retinal tear somehow be connected? Nope. It's definitely NOT THEIR FAULT and the retinal surgery is most definitely NOT covered by Mann eye. They sent me to a total quack doctor and he botched my eye as seen on my review of Dr. Stephen Smith with Central Texas Retina and Vitreous. After doing some research it does look like people with strong myopia have eyes that are longer and so the retina is stretched thin over a longer surface area than normal eyes, and the suction they use to keep the eye in place during lasik is sometimes enough to tear the thin retina on the back of the eye. Mann eye still refuses to take responsibility. They may be fine at doing routine lasik, but if you have any complications be prepared to battle for your eyes. If your vision is important to you at all.. please stay away from Mann eye.
    Carmen Busby Broussard Via Facebook - South Austin Location
    Henry Ryan Fox Via Facebook - South Austin Location
    Riley Riley Riley Via Facebook - South Austin Location
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