Drs. Campbell, Cunningham, Taylor & Haun
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    Jeanette S Via Google Business Profile - Drs. Campbell, Cunningham, Taylor & Haun - Main Office
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    Tina Ottinger Via Google Business Profile - EyeCare Optical - Sevierville (Dolly Parton Pkwy)
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    Velma Bumgardner Via Google Business Profile - Drs. Campbell, Cunningham, Taylor & Haun - Main Office
    Exceptional service from exceptional people! Thank you!I recommend to all who have a vision need! Special thanks to Drs Cunningham and Cole.- V Bumgardner
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    mrzookstwilightzone dayz Via Google Business Profile - Drs. Campbell, Cunningham, Taylor & Haun - Main Office
    I somewhat recently relocated to Knoxville, the week before the COVID outbreak (of course I did not know). I knew had a severe case of Uveitis, I had been diagnosed in 2016 but it was getting worse. I did some research on the internet and Drs. Campbell, Cunningham, Taylor & Haun. I made an appt with Dr. Haun. My vision by this point had become very bad. I had been told by another Doctor that I was legally blind in my left eye and my right eye was getting worse every month. I knew nothing about Uveitis until I was diagnosed with it. When I was diagnosed with it back in 2016, in Georgia, I was diagnosed with a steady dose of drops, one which was methylprednisolone drops (steroids), which caused the cataracts which resulted in my vision loss, I had to take these every time when I had a flare-up of Uveitis, which was often. By the time I saw Dr. Haun, in 2020, my vision was awful, I had stopped driving at night for months and did not stray far from my home even during the day. I just recently finished surgery on both my eyes by Dr Haun. Honestly, I fell like a miracle has happened! Now my vision is almost perfect but I did not realize how this disease has affected the colors in my eyes, everything was so clear and vibrant! There is no way I can thank Dr. Haun and the other Doctors I saw and the staff for what they did. I do not write reviews like this very often but this one I was glad to write and btw, no one from his office asked me to do so. I can't say enough good things about Dr. Haun and his co-workers/staff. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!Darren Jordan
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    Anthony Matthews Via Google Business Profile - Drs. Campbell, Cunningham, Taylor & Haun - Main Office
    Great information given kept me from going to a doctor and also prevented me from causing more damage !
    +1(865) 584-0905