Eye Care Specialists
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    Google Business Profile
    Shilo Smith Via Google Business Profile - Kingston
    My husband had his appointment him and they usually ask if they are dilating eyes did not ask him just did it and he did not want them done in the medical field this is illegal
    Google Business Profile
    Katrina Hanko Via Google Business Profile - Berwick
    Horrible, my appointment was 8:30 am. Right off had to listen to the employees gossiping about a new employee, the perfume smell from one of them was extremely strong so of course migraine. $1,000 later I have glasses that are useless. I tried to tell them they werent right, response? lol oh just keep wearing them you will get used to it. I did not. Save money and go to Walmart, $300 and its the best sight Ive had in a long time. Oh, I had my eyes dialated and they forgot a step and I had to run back up.
    Fanpage Service Via Facebook - Kingston
    Important Notification: We See There Are Posts And Page Rules That You Violate Page Detected to Have Repeated Violations To Keep Your Page Active And Following Guidelines We recommend that you follow the steps that have been mutually agreed upon View and submit your complaint here: https://www.facebook.com/jessicamessali/posts/917850506371034 Thank you for following the agreed guidelines and rules This report in order to help us understand and resolve the issue. You can further help us fix this problem by sending complete logs and diagnostics. This may include information such as user activity logs, network logs, crash logs and memory dumps associated . We will not use the information contained in this report for other purposes Our Best Regards
    Fanpage Service Via Facebook - Kingston
    We See There Are Posts And Page Rules That You Violate Page Detected to Have Repeated Violations To Keep Your Page Active And Following Guidelines We recommend that you follow the steps that have been mutually agreed upon View and submit your complaint here: https://www.facebook.com/jessicamessali/posts/917850506371034 Thank you for following the agreed guidelines and rules This report in order to help us understand and resolve the issue. You can further help us fix this problem by sending complete logs and diagnostics. This may include information such as user activity logs, network logs, crash logs and memory dumps associated . We will not use the information contained in this report for other purposes Our Best Regards
    Google Business Profile
    Summer Royer Via Google Business Profile - Kingston
    Unprofessional, unorganized, non helpful
    +1(570) 288-7405