Eye Care Specialists
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    Ali Myers Via Facebook - Kingston
    Maybe I will come back to your office when you show you respect my time and schedule. Scheduling me for appointment times I cannot make and then putting people in the waiting room for over an hour when you get 5-10 minutes with the doctor is not a good use of my time. Especially now that I have a job where I do not get paid for my time off. It's too bad I have really no other choice for treatment for my condition, and even the specialist you sent me to had no solution!
    Lisa Serrano Via Facebook - Kingston
    I stopped taking my family to this place over 10 years ago and I remember why. My gram has had regular appointment there ever 6 weeks for cataract and retina issue. She had complained that she can't see. While on my visit with her this past Monday, I question why this is. In March it was she wasn't using her drops. Now that she has been using her drops she still can't see. The dr tried to use that excuse again. I asked if they have given her a routine eye exam. When they checked her chart, it had been 8 years since her last one. When I ask how can that happen, the dr said its not his responsibility to make sure she gets one. Are you Kidding me? You can refer her 50 ft across the hall but it's not your responsibility? She has had drops and exams here for 9 years for retina and cataract but 3 different Drs did not think a routine eye exam was needed. Looking for new Drs asap.
    Brian Sivak Via Facebook - Kingston
    You spend a lot of time like hours to see a doctor for 15 minutes. Staff not very friendly at all. Found a new eye Dr and saved my time.
    Frank Marks Via Facebook - Kingston
    Very unprofessional. My wife had surgery to remove mole like items close to her eye on August 27th. They sent them out to be biopsied. They never contacted us on the results of the biopsy. My wife has called several times trying to find out the office help keep telling her the Doctor will call her with the results & he never calls back. This has going on for over a month! Maybe I should contact my lawyer.
    Mary Ann Weitz Via Facebook - Kingston
    +1(570) 288-7405