Eye Care Specialists
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    Chris B Via Google Business Profile - Kingston
    I called for an emergency appt. At first they tried to give me an appt for end of September, but then I was able to be seen same day. The building is very large and confusing where the waiting area is since I did the check in on the kiosk and didn't speak to anyone. I finally asked and I was pointed in the right direction. I saw Dr. Michael Josefowicz. I have a large chest and had a hard time getting my head in the device that they put your head on to look at your eyes. He kept telling me to put my head against the machine, but I physically couldn't which I told him. Finally I ended up just grabbing onto the machine and pushing it as close to my body as I could. He didn't offer to move the device up or down to accommodate me so I was bent over pretty far too. He also had a horrible bed side manner. He stated that the issue that I had "was not a big deal". Well it was to me. It wasn't like I was crying over what I had, but I was concerned because I never had an eye issue like this before. He did treat what I had, but I refuse to see this doctor again.
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    Leah Koneski Via Google Business Profile - Kingston
    Rather disappointing experience when I had heard some good things prior about this facility. Filled out a survey and requested to be contacted in regard to my experience and never heard back from anyone. The only good part about this experience was the thorough physician. Cant say the same about the rude staff.I was asked invasive questions about my weight/medication Im taking for weight loss by the tech when it was not medically justifiable. I was lectured about how she takes the same medication and how even she isnt on a dose as high as me. At the time I didnt think anything of it, but looking back it was wildly inappropriate. Ive never had an eye center ask what my weight was or lecture me about my meds.When it was time to leave, I was told by the check out desk to have a seat and they would call me up when they were ready for me. I was forgotten about and they ended up taking people who came out after me, before me. I have some level of empathy as I am in the same line of work; however, when I did finally check out, the girl at the desk did curse and make sarcastic comments about how she loves her job. It took twenty minutes to pay for my visit and order contacts. I understand this line of work is frustrating, but being on the opposite side hearing those things makes you feel like a nuisance. When I was done, she basically shooed me away without knowing when or how I will receive my contacts.Dr. Havrilla was nice and thorough but thats about the only good thing I have to say.
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    Christyne Berzsenyi Via Google Business Profile - Kingston
    When asked by yet another of the automated systems used by this business as to how likely I am to recommend Eye care Specialists to family or friends, I responded to the text with 0. Im sorry to say. Competent but cold, robotic efficiency with all interactions with me but not each other--This was true across the stations and levels of professionals at the office. I felt examined thoroughly and competently but with no warmth or much eye contact. Everything is machines. I felt pressured and rushed to give very quick, short answers (asked quickly and corrected me if I did not) and fatigued of being told to sit down. When I asked what my new prescription is, I was told that I wouldn't understand it as it has changed. Im a reasonably smart person, but the doctor didn't have time to explain it and made it about my lack of comprehension. Your office also has a dusty exam room--it's the high tech equipment that the housekeeping staff aren't allowed to touch. It was busy, so others must not mind these things as an approach to relating to ones patients and customers. I left depressed and didn't want to get my glasses there. It's not for me. As soon as I sent my private and detailed response to them, I received another automated text, asking me to provide details of how they could do betterobviously, my message was not read by a person.
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    RM F Via Google Business Profile - Kingston
    Nice facility and many open appointments, but no care for patients and they price gouge.I had a first time appointment. I saw Dr. Mic, AKA Dr. Michael Josefowicz. At check in I made it clear I needed exam and fitting for progressive glasses and contacts. I also asked why the refractive portion fo the exam was billed separately. I was told the separate charge would not pertain to me because of my insurance and my total estimate was my $10 copay. At checkout, they said I owed $60 so I asked for a printed bill to see the charges. I was told that was not possible. After 15 minutes and many excuses the manager finally said the doctor would need to finish his chart. Ok. Then I see the doctor huffing by and after a few more mintutes I am handed a bill and told I now owe $100. So they increased my charges because I asked for information about my bill.As if that was not bad enough, the doctor's assistant became irritable and fidgety every time I asked Dr. Mic a question. Her vision may not be important to her, but mine is to me. And for $500, I deserve to have my questions answered.Aftwrward, I went to NE Eye Institue to compare. I pretented to need an appointment and asked how much money I would need to bring. They were caring enough to call their billing department to give me an estimate. I told them exactly what I needed and they quoted the $50 for my copay for exam and fittings. I asked if the progressive fittings with a stigmatism would require the additional charge of premier fitting (as that was the extra charges Dr. Mic's office added on). The billing office replied it would not as this is generally reserved for more severe and complex situations.Better to NOT go to Eye Care Specialists on Rutter Ave.
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    Shelby Spencer Via Google Business Profile - Dallas
    Usually I love the doctor there. But my appointment was for 10 and I came in at 9:40. I waited u til 10:40 before they called me back, and a lady that came in after me got called back before me!! The wait was insane, if you didnt want me for 10:00, call me when change my time!!!! Changing eye doctors
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