Vermont Eye Laser & New England Vision
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    Google Business Profile
    Dr. Chris Via Google Business Profile - Juli Larson
    Can't even get a consultation. Online doesn't work and called in but apparently can only be setup through one person who is not there, and the day they are they I have to work. Would hate to have surgery from a place that has difficulty scheduling an appointment.
    Google Business Profile
    Carrie Oliver Via Google Business Profile - Jennifer Devita
    Refuses all pediatric patients regardless of insurance
    Craig Piazza Via Facebook - Main office
    I called into their office an asked if I may see an eye care professional - the receptionist was rather short with me. After sharing my eye concerns, she stated a technician would contact me that day - they never did. I reached out on facebook and they stated they would contact me - never received a further response. I wish I had a better experience. This experience just doesn't lead me to wanting to be a patient in their practice.
    Sarah T. Via Yelp - Main office
    Just had a really frustrating appt with Vermont Eye Laser. Went for consult... the following happened.-<br><br>- Brought back by someone (didn't introduce themselves) for initial testing. Was it doctor or assistant? I'm not sure...<br>- Was told to take contacts out and then was instructed to walk through building (blind as a bat)<br>- Was given a poor explanation of why I was not a candidate for surgery.<br>- Was told that I have no other options.<br>- Was instructed how to get out to bathroom so I could put my contacts back in but was not led there (again blind and unable to see).<br><br>Not being able to see is a very scary thing- perhaps a little more explanation and care for people who are legally blind without correction would have been helpful. As a fellow healthcare provider, I left feeling frustrated and upset.
    +1(802) 862-1808