
Dr. Goldstein and staff were very friendly and provided me with an exceptional experience. I highly recommend this practice :)


Dr Goldstein is incredibly caring, and kind, he takes the time with his patients. He did an outstanding job on my LASIK and now I see better than 20/20! Thank you for your kindness, and excellent work! Highly recommend!!


6 years ago today I was as blind as a bat. Literally.... My contacts were in the negative 9s and I couldn't see the alarm clock next to me without them. My eyes were so bad I wasn't even a candidate for LASIK surgery. Crazy right!? But thankfully Dr. Goldstein told me I would be a great candidate for ICL surgery (implantable contact lenses). The surgery was SO short and SIMPLE and the recovery was a piece of cake. It's similar to cataract surgery so nothing Is irreversible ---just my lense has a prescription. Hands down of the absolute Best investments I have ever made! I am So glad I wasn't too scared to take this leap of faith to do it 6 years ago because It's improved my quality of life so much! No more issues at the beach or working out or getting up in the middle of the night. Now actually often times forget what it was like having glasses ---even though I had wore them since first gradeDr. Goldstein I cannot thank you enough!!! Happy 6 year anniversary of being able to see!!


I got Dr. Goldstein to join the Lions club he has help Sterling Heights lion so much with people with cataract surgeries what a great guy he is My Dr. also has help me in the same way !!


The best eyeDr I've ever been tooCaring and Professional & an excellent staff friendly & courteous

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Laser Eye Care Center
133 5.0 - star reviews